Tropical and Indoor Plants Nursery
A more extensive selection of our plants may be found at the UC Botanical Garden annual Spring and Fall Plant Sales. Please visit the Garden website for dates and details.
*This list is current to the best of our abilities. Items listed are subject to prior sale, and not all plants are available at all times.
Acalypha cv. Ceylon
Acalypha cv. Copper Leaf
Acalypha cv. Copper Leaf
Aeschynanthus sp. (various)
Begonia angulari
Amorphophallus titanum
begoniasBegonia angulari
Burbidgea schizocheila
Cautlea lutea
Chlorophytum orchidantheroides cv. Fire Flash
Cautlea lutea
Chlorophytum orchidantheroides cv. Fire Flash
Clerodendrum ugandense
Dianthera nodosa
Dianthera nodosa
Hoya australis
Hoya australis
Hoya finlaysonii
Hoya kerrii
Hoya pubicalyx cv. Silver Pink
Hoya pubicalyx cv. Silver Pink
Justicia rizzinii
Kaempferia elegans
Kalanchoe uniflora
Macleania insignis
Medinilla cumingii
Medinilla myriantha
Philodendron cv. Moonlight
Porphyrocoma pohliana
Schefflera articola cv. Cutleaf
Serissa foetida
Synadenium grantii
tillandsias (large collection)
Synadenium grantii
tillandsias (large collection)
Whitfieldia longiflora